Junior Board of Directors
What is a Junior Board of Directors (JBD)?
Our Junior board is a group of youth that participate in the running of Project Pronouns. Non-Profits are organized and run by a Board of Directors. The JBD is a model of the real Board of Directors. The JBD collectively holds one vote on the Board of Directors, the president of the board will need to attend regular meetings of our Board of Directors to be able to vote. All Junior Board Directors are welcome to attend these meetings. More information will provided to the chosen Junior Directors.
To be appointed to the JBD you must be at least 10 and no older than 17 at the time you are appointed. You do not get kicked out at 18, you can remain a Junior Board Member until you are 20 years old, at which time you will be removed from the Board. Currently the maximum number on of JBD is capped at 9 individual directors, with a minimum of 3 directors to hold a vote. Directors must uphold our mission to support not only the queer community, but also not act in a manner that is hateful to others on the basis of the their perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. Failure to hold these standards during the time as an officer of the JBD will render this person ineligible of continuing as a member of the JBD, and serves as just cause for removal.
Responsibilities If Chosen for the JBD:
Attending Board Meetings (Virtual and/or in person)
Volunteering with Project Pronouns in various ways, such as:
- Serving as a Point of Contact for youth
- Helping With Organization and Communication
- Outreach Opportunities (Example: Help manning the booth at Pride Events)
- Making items for donation and sale
Feel free to ask any questions you have!